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Quality Chaîne de production de cône de sucre, Chaîne de production de cornet de crème glacée supplier from China.

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With more than 70 years cone baking experience before developing our first STARLAND automatic cone production system, a fully mechanical-operated automatic machine comes to our mind: Simple-to-use,easy-to-maintain and reliable. The machine evolved in the past 20 years to become faster, more efficient and eco-friendlier. They make decent cones too.


Today, we still enjoy baking cones. Baking cones and building machines are equally important to us. It provides us unlimited possibilities to develop new cones or related products for customers. Sometimes, you need a new recipe, a new machine or even a new system to create a new cone products. We feel that we have made contribution to the industry when clients' new products succeed in the market.


In China and Hong Kong, we are supplying to global ice-cream brands and international chain stores. The productions in our cone factory are all produced by STARLAND machines. The cones are subjected to the most stringent standards and inspection by our clients. We sell neither cones nor machines. We help you from cones to solution.

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Company Details

Office Address: Factory No.56,Pacific Industrial District,XinTang,GuangZhou,The Peoples Republic of China
Factory Address: Factory No.56,Pacific Industrial District,XinTang,GuangZhou,The Peoples Republic of China